Sunday, June 7, 2009

Welcome to the Carnival!

Welcome to the Carnival of the Cats!

Each cat's position within the Carnival is specific; please visit them in order!

Have fun!


Buster Theodora!

Hey there, I'm Buster, the big sister.

We have a saying around our house that the early bird gets the worm, as in the early riser (a.k.a. those of us who get up with Lily) get the most food, the quickest to the litter gets the cleanest box, and all that jazz. It took me a good long while to figure that out, but it makes a lot of sense.

Here are the Carnival #273 Submissions that fit into the category of early birds. Mmm, tasty.

First off we have The Den of Psychosis with a very interesting post on cats and eye drops. Cassie's brother John told me to tell you guys to fight the power! (whatever that means)

Secondly, Momma Grace & Company is celebrating the birthday of her furbaby. Let's all send a purr her way. (Well, except for me. I can't purr, but I'll reduce myself to rubbing up against the monitor.)
-Li'l Bus

Cocoa avec une Guimauve!

Hi, I'm Cocoa from Cocoa Posts!

I present to you (drumroll please...) the next pair of posts.


(Okay, so my drumroll isn't that great. Give me a break! I just started vocalizing.)

Patricia Turner, of Veterinary Technician Schools Online, supplied us with this interesting and informative article on exotic pets. Lily found it fascinating. Before we arrived, she was considering getting a leopard gecko.

At the Blog d'Elisson, we have a post commemorating Sammy, their cat.

We also have Life From a Cat's Perspective with their funny Photo Hunt #165: Advertisements.

There's also StrangeRanger with Summer is a-Comin' In.

Last, but not least (for me), there's Willow's Cat Blog telling us about a Noisy Sunday Morning.

Avec beaucoup de baisers (with lots of kisses),
Cocoa avec une Guimave

John "Locket" Locke!

Hi, I'm John "Locket" Locke, Cat Philanthropy's resident mancat-in-training.

The next entry is from The Poor Mouth with their charming photography.
We also have It's all Good showcasing their blog.
Catymology presents the humorous Ballad of the Hunt.
The triple-G blog, Bloggg, offers a Cat Tastrophe with Friday Ollie Blogging.


D'Artagnan du Chat Noir!

Hello, my name is D'Artagnan after the D'Artagnan in the Three Musketeers and I am here to present to you the next round of posts!

First off, we have Texas Oasis with Furball Friday. You definitely know how to bring on the cute.
Next is This Blog is Full of Crap bringing us a video about cats on a fence. Thanks, Laurence!

This, That, & The Other Thing presents a Feline Friday submission. Lily says your cats are darling.

At China Cat's Blog, there's a Somewhat Easy Sunday. I'm glad my girl doesn't do things like that!

For our final submission, we have Elms in the Yard with a lovely tuxedo cat.

Please enjoy the carnival! Lily worked really hard on it!

-D'Artagnan du Chat Noir, "All for one and one for all!"